Kamis, 09 Oktober 2014

Pangandaran Beach, the Best Beach on the Island of Java

Pangandaran Peninsula, Jawa Barat, Indonesia

Pangandaran Beach is a mainstay attraction at Pangandaran district is located in the southeast of West Java, precisely in the Village Pananjung, District Pangandaran, District Pangandaran, West Java Province. This beach was named the best beach on the island of Java, according to AsiaRooms.

In addition to playing and enjoying the beach atmosphere. We also can visit Pangandaran nature reserve. 1,000 ha nature reserve has a variety of flora and fauna like lotus flowers raflesia, bison, deer, and various species of monkeys.

On the Nature Reserve also there are also natural caves and artificial caves such as Goa stage, Parat Goa, Goa wells Mudal, Goa lanang and Japanese cave. Rengganis and water resources, and the white sand beaches and marine parks. In the natural cave we can see stalaknit-stalaknit that have odd shapes. we can see the stone that resembles chicken thighs, then no sex stone which is said to provide a mate for man who touched the stone, except that there are corals that can sound when pounded.

There continues to rock crystal blinking, then there is a stone like a camel, the rock-like head of an elephant, weird shape. Susur cave gives a very interesting challenge.

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